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Owed money but I don't want to go to court what can i do

Owed money. Want to avoid court. My options?

When a person or business owes you significant amounts of money, it creates a lot of stress and tension. You may be worried about how you will recover this owed money, what approach to take for the best outcome and the implications of chasing the debt.

You could keep asking for payment, but this is likely to be ignored without further incentives made to your debtor.

You could also take them to court, depending on the debt amount. Our sister company, DCB Legal, specialise in helping people go through the courts to obtain judgments against their debtors, which can then be transferred to the High Court for enforcement by DCBL’s agents. This is highly effective, as can be seen through our exclusive involvement in Channel 5’s “Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away!”.

However, many people wish to avoid going to court. Depending on the nature of the debtor, court proceedings can be drawn out for months, adding to the stress of the situation.

Thankfully, DCBL has a quicker yet highly effective alternative solution – pre-court Debt Recovery services.

Owed money – Collect your debts without the courts

When you instruct our Debt Recovery services, we act right away to contact your debtor and collect the payment. However, we don’t just rely on letters and phone calls – We know from experience that face-to-face visits are extremely effective. Our agents are highly professional and tenacious and will do everything in their power to recover your money quickly.

Can I use Debt Recovery services?

If your debt fits these criteria, we can help:

  • The debt is for £1,000 or more
  • The debtor is in the UK
  • You have proof of the debt (invoices, written agreements, text/email acknowledgements etc.)
  • The debt was accrued within the last six years

Call us on 0203 298 0201 for a free debt recovery consultation or fill in our online quote form and we will give you a call back to discuss getting back the money you are rightfully owed.

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