Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery Experts
Professional and effective CRAR services
As industry leaders in High Court Enforcement, our Certificated Agents can recover your commercial rent arrears swiftly, efficiently and entirely free of charge to you.
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DCBL is an industry leader with over 50 years of experience in Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR).
Within this time, we have amassed an in-depth understanding of Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR) and have developed a CRAR process designed to produce a swift, favourable result on every occasion.
Our nationwide teams of certificated agents are all highly skilled in dealing with tenants in the debt recovery of Commercial Rent Arrears whilst always representing you, our client, in the best light possible, ensuring the landlords and tenants relationship remains intact.
As exclusively featured on the popular TV show

As one of the UK’s largest enforcement agencies, DCBL agents can be called upon in any corner of the British Isles

What Is CRAR?
Whilst the Rent Act 1977 is used to prevent landlords of residential properties the ability to recover unpaid rent through seizing goods, commercial landlords are still able to do this.
The CRAR Process allows landlords to recover overdue rent without needing a court order. However, this only applies to commercial tenancies subject to a written commercial lease. The nonpayment of rents must be at least 7 days’ worth or more at the time that the Notice is served and at the time of enforcement, and landlords do not have the rights to seize goods – this can only be actioned by a certificated enforcement agent, such as DCBL’s.
DCBL’s Process
Once you have filled out a Warrant of Control, you can instruct DCBL to recover commercial rent arrears. Upon instruction, our specialist CRAR team will begin the enforcement action of recovering the rent which starts with issuing a 7-day notice to your commercial tenant.
If your tenant doesn’t pay, we will schedule an attendance from our certificated agents who will enter the commercial property and take control of goods. These will then be sold at a public auction.

Why choose DCBL for Commercial Rent Recovery
Instruct an authorised enforcement agent from DCBL to swiftly, efficiently, and ethically recover rent arrears owed to you.

Free Service
Expert service entirely free of charge to you. As directed by Statute, the fees for our professional service are added to the outstanding arrears of rent.
Free Service
As such, the fees are payable by the tenant, regardless of the outcome of our attendances. There is no need to be concerned about incurring costly legal fees for obtaining professional advice or waiting for issuing court proceedings.

Monies Remitted
Upon collection, your monies are remitted to you via your preferred method as soon as the 14-day statutory holding period has ended.
Monies Remitted
We strongly believe that you should not have to wait any longer to receive your funds.
We are only too aware that cash flow underpins a successful business. You can rest assured that our professional Enforcement Agents will secure your interest in collecting the arrears.

Protecting Landlord/Tenant Relationships
We are there to protect the relationship of tenants and landlords of commercial properties and help maintain business networks.
Protecting Landlord/Tenant Relationships
If the tenant is unable to pay the arrears in full at the time of attendance but payment is proposed, we will contact you to see if this is acceptable. If agreed, we will put a controlled goods agreement in place, and monitor the arrangement from start to finish.

Case Actioned Within 24 Hours
Prompt action is the key to successful recovery. We undertake proceedings to recover as fast as possible after you instruct us.
Case Actioned Within 24 Hours
At the point of choosing to instruct us, you will have already waited too long for your outstanding rent. You can rest assured that our professional enforcement teams will collect your arrears in the quickest, most effective way possible.

Complete debtor address verification
We invest heavily in the most up-to-date, real-time trace and address verification systems to obtain the most recent credit activity of a former tenant and link them to any address and phone number they may be using.
Experienced Officers
Our certificated and vetted Enforcement Agents undergo robust training to ensure they work in accordance with our CRAR procedure. This ensures every case is dealt with in an ethical and compliant manner.
Unrivalled brand awareness
Our participation in the popular TV Series “Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away!” created a unique brand awareness that is instantly recognised by many, meaning we collect debts that others simply can’t and get tenants to pay what they owe.
Commitment to excellence
We maintain high standards, exceeding guidelines set by our accreditations from the FCA, CSA, CAI and Alcumus ISO 27001 and 9001.
DCBL High Court Enforcement Services
Our enforcement services use industry-leading resources, combining national coverage with local knowledge.

Money Order Judgment/CCJ
If you have a CCJ or Court Order over £600 and up to 6 years old we can help.
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Residential Possession
Regain possession of your property or land using expert enforcement agents.
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Commercial Lease Forfeiture Service
If your tenant is in arrears, instruct us to peacefully re-enter and forfeit the lease.
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Tribunal Award Enforcement
High Court Tribunal Award Enforcement. Persistent, Persuasive, Professional.
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