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Remove travellers quickly Trespassing Travellers leave caravan and rubbish

How to remove travellers quickly and efficiently.

Remove travellers quickly – Guaranteed 24-hour Traveller Removal £495 + VAT

Remove travellers quickly – It’s a familiar story: travellers congregate on the land or premises of a beleaguered landowner. Unsure of their rights, the landowner either waits until the travellers move on or they undertake lengthy court proceedings – all whilst the land is being damaged and becoming littered with waste. Throughout this ordeal, the cost is entirely at the feet of the landowner, making the situation increasingly unpleasant.

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However, this does not need to be the case. Under common law, landowners are able to remove trespassers from their property.  They do not necessarily need to go down the route of obtaining a Court Order for Possession of their own land; just by knowing their rights and utilising the services of DCBL, their issues can be resolved without any unnecessary costs.

As spring is approaching and temperatures are warming, we thought it useful to provide this guide to where you stand with traveller encampments on private property.

Understanding Landowner’s Rights

As mentioned, under common law, landowners are able to remove unlawful trespassers from their land.  In some cases, the Police may decide to take immediate action to remove them because their behaviour and presence are disrupting the local community (using their powers under Section 61 – 62 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994). However, this will largely be dependent on whether the Police have resources available to undertake the eviction and also if they deem the situation suitable to warrant their involvement.

Whilst time is being spent determining these factors, you could be employing the support of an ethical Company that, if required, would use reasonable force to quickly remove the unauthorised encampment – limiting the amount of damage and disruption caused.

If the Landowner has already obtained a Court Order for Possession of the land, we would be able to quickly transfer this to a High Court Writ of Possession and attend to remove the Travellers.  This can be undertaken within a matter of days, rather than waiting several months for the County Court Bailiffs.  In these situations, Police assistance will be on hand should our Agents require it.

An Effective Response –  remove travellers quickly

 If you were to request the support of Direct Collection Bailiffs Ltd, you would be instructing our team to proceed in the first instance with the generating and serving of a legal notice to the travellers advising them that they have 24 hours to vacate the site.

We have a history of finding peaceful resolutions that will return your land to you within the advised time frame and without any additional cost to you.  By acting with the utmost professionalism, our experienced Agents will deal with the Travellers in such a manner so as not to antagonise any situation further.

Seeking an Innovative Approach

Upon the initial attendance to serve the Legal Notice, our Agents will conduct a risk assessment of the site.  This will ensure that on the rare occasion whereby the Travellers do not vacate the land and we have to reattend to remove them, we will have allocated sufficient resources to safely and quickly clear the site.  We would also liaise directly with the Police prior to reattendance to ensure that their support would be available to prevent a breach of the peace.

Our ethical and prompt actions make us unique and mean that we are also entrusted to act on behalf of many Local Authorities under Sections 77-78 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994. We are also very proud to be the sole approved provider for Traveller Enforcement for West Mercia and Warwickshire Police.

If you have an issue with an unauthorised encampment on private property, contact a member of our team today. For just £495 + VAT you can be back to business as usual with complete assurance of conflict resolution.

However, if you want to start the process urgently, instruct us immediately.

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