Commercial Rent Arrears Arbitration Scheme – Update
17th October 2022
You will know about the Commercial Rent Arrears Arbitration Scheme if owed rent arrears are between March 2020 to July 2021.
On the 25th March 2022, the government implemented The Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022.
Its purpose was to protect commercial tenants in specific sectors where they were forced to close between March 2020 – July 21 (the protected period).
An arbitration scheme was implemented so that rent arrears could be dealt with during the protected period prohibiting enforcement.
The Commercial Rent Arrears Arbitration Scheme Comes to an End
As an industry leader, DCBL is committed to updating you on industry changes that may affect you as a creditor.
he Arbitration Scheme came to an end on the 23rd of September 2022, which means that landlords can now instruct DCBL to recover commercial rent.
How DCBL Can Help – Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery
Getting tenants to abide by the rules of their business tenancy and pay what is owed should essentially be a painless task.
The rising cost of energy may cause issues for commercial tenants (and landlords) in the coming months.
Property118.com has stated that due to the massive surge in prices, landlords will be left vulnerable as tenants may “simply be unable to meet their commitments”.
One of the most popular methods for getting business tenants to pay is by way of Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR).
We offer a free, prompt, reliable service, DCBL’s Enforcement Agents can assist anywhere throughout England and Wales.