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Commercial Debt Recovery

Commercial Debt Collection | Expert Advice for Businesses

Looking for a commercial debt collection agency in 2024 that can recover a late payment by a business? Speak to DCBL’s business debt recovery experts.

Start the new year positively by instructing a leading business debt collection agency to recover your overdue debts and benefit credit control.

For over two decades, DCBL’s collections practices have been the first choice for businesses needing to recover bad debts resulting from unpaid invoices.

Business debt collection is a service many businesses use to get a client to pay the debt they rightfully owe.

Continue reading this helpful guide to discover why using a commercial debt collection agency such as DCBL is the best option.

Why Might You Need Business Debt Recovery?

Commercial debts arise when a business fails to pay for goods or services to another business. Sadly, these have become a common addition to many business owners’ daily to-do lists to tackle.

This could be anything from a single debt to a portfolio of bad debts that require expert assistance to collect.

While credit control teams will have a procedure in place for when recovering unpaid invoices becomes a regular occurrence, this sometimes gets ignored.

Has your business been hit with unpaid goods or services affecting your cash flow? Getting a commercial debtor to pay may seem difficult, especially when balancing this with the general running of the business.

Commonly, business owners attempt to collect commercial debt alone, however, this can take a long time and can be unsuccessful. After all, if a debtor has chosen not to pay, why would they pay just by asking?

Many businesses will look to get a county court judgment upon the individual or business that owes them money.

It is best practice to include some form of payment terms when agreeing to work with a new client. This is one reason why overdue invoices are so disappointing, considering they have signed terms to say they will pay.

No business should have to waste its time making phone calls if they have an outstanding debt that needs paying. This time that you use to contact the debtors should be used to conduct tasks that will benefit and continue to grow the organisation.

How Effective is Debt Recovery for Businesses?

Debt recovery costs related to the collection process of unpaid invoices are relatively straightforward. Most debt collectors will be transparent about how much recovering the debt will cost at the start.

In an ideal world, you wouldn’t need to use a business to business debt recovery agency. It is a positive fact that multiple debt recovery agencies are available to chase late payments, affording a cost effective debt resolution solution.

Recovering debts through a professional agency is known to be the best method if you are struggling with the payment of commercial debts.

As many businesses will carry out services worldwide, those that are owed money from abroad can instruct an international commercial debt recovery agency.

Debt recovery specialists will ensure that any communication up until the debtor pays is professional and won’t damage the relationship between you or your existing clients.

If you need help with late payments or consumer debt recovery, continue reading for our best b2b debt recovery option.

Debt Collection for Businesses

Choosing DCBL – Debt Collection for Businesses

Knowing there are many different ways to undertake the commercial debt recovery process should bring you peace of mind.

The best way to undertake commercial debt collection is to procure the debt collection services of DCBL.

When someone owes you money, you need to ensure that the debt collection agency you choose is effective. Too many businesses get caught out by cowboy firms that charge large debt recovery costs with no chance of success.

At DCBL, we provide all businesses with an ethical and effective commercial debt recovery service. Our 98% client retention rate speaks for itself; businesses choose us over other debt collectors due to our success rates.

The “One Solution, Debt recovery made simple” service we offer ensures businesses do not have to look elsewhere and are provided a seamless service from initial instruction through to high court enforcement.

We understand that some corporate debt recovery cases need to escalate to legal proceedings. Should this be the case for your debt, this is where our sister-company DCB Legal comes in!

If you need a dedicated commercial debt recovery agency that can successfully collect your national and international debt, contact DCBL. When you provide another business with goods or services, you expect them to pay for this.

The debt collection process at DCBL couldn’t be easier, and you can find the full steps of the process here.

Click here to get a free commercial debt collection quote.


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