
Glasgow Debt Collection Agency

Debt Collectors and High Court Enforcement

If you’re based in Glasgow or wider across Scotland and need debt collection services, choose the experts. DCBL offer ethical and reliable debt collection supported by years of experience.

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Instruct the industry leaders in Debt Recovery

Our debt collectors are highly trained professionals and can carry out pre-court debt recovery across Scotland, including debtor tracing solutions. With the highest recovery rate in the industry, if you need a reliable debt collection agency in Glasgow, or anywhere across Scotland, instruct us today.

Due to our unique brand awareness our compliant Debt Recovery services consistently achieve 25% higher recovery rates than those of our competitors. We use a variety of techniques from Letter Driven action through to face to face interaction to successfully recover debts for clients across the UK.

Throughout these processes, our agents are rigorously trained to maintain working relationships and ensure future business between all parties is not only available but encouraged.

As exclusively featured on the popular TV show

Can't pay? We'll take it away! logo
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DCBL are accredited by

cai transparent ISO 9001 ISOQAR Logo bpa transpoarent ISO 27001 ISOQAR Logo csa transparent

Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

TP Transparent

Scottish Debt Recovery Services

Our expert enforcement agents recovered tens of millions of pounds across the UK last year, including cases from Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and many other Scottish locations.

Our Scotland-based office is located close to Glasgow, allowing our certificated enforcement team to attend to any Scottish location quickly and efficiently. Our range of services includes pre-court debt collection and expert debtor tracing, the most effective methods to trace and recover your money.

DCBL agent at open front door with papers

Fast and Efficient Debt Collection

We understand that speed is an essential part of any successful debt collection process, which is why our swift response to instruction is so successful in Glasgow and throughout the whole of the UK.

Our debtor tracing solution uses live data and financial profiling to locate the debtors’ current residence. This system is available to our nationwide teams of highly skilled agents, ensuring we can find your debtor even if they relocate and provide no forwarding address.

Trusted by thousands

Our industry-leading rates of debt recovery are backed by the support of our customers, with many companies and businesses returning if they need debt collection services in the future, resulting in a 98% client retention rate. Read testimonials from our clients or watch our recovery services in action for yourself on Channel 5’s “Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away!“.

Glasgow Debt Collection Agency

We believe our Glasgow debt collection services are the best in the industry. Our debt recovery figures and countless testimonials show just what our agents can do. If you need experts in debt collection in Glasgow, Dundee or anywhere across Scotland, instruct DCBL today.

If you need experts in debt collection in Glasgow, Dundee or anywhere across Scotland, instruct DCBL today.

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